04. Top Section

Top Section

Top Section

The top section of your Profile will give recruiters a quick overview of your accomplishments at Udacity, where you’re currently working, and what you hope to do next. Take a look at an example here:

Top Header

Top Section

  • Make sure your full name and current location are displayed with no spelling errors. Note that you will fill in your country, but it will not display on your Profile. However, recruiters can search for it when using Talent Source.

  • Link to 3-4 recruiting materials. At minimum, include your resume, LinkedIn, GitHub and/or Kaggle account (note that only Machine Learning and Data Analyst Nanodegree students will be able to add a Kaggle profile). If you have them, be sure to also link your personal website or Stack Overflow account; having either or both would be impressive to employers.

  • Display the Nanodegree program most relevant to your desired job role. If your Nanodegree programs are all relevant to the job you want, display them all. However, think about what would attract an employer most. If you completed the Front-End Web Developer and Senior Web Developer Nanodegree programs, you only need to display the more advanced Nanodegree program. The recruiter will assume someone who completed the Senior Web Developer Nanodegree already has the skills taught in Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree program.

    • If you've been a reviewer, team guide, forum mentor or top forum contributor for Udacity, those badges will be displayed in this section. You’ll also see a badge for regular activity on Github if you have over 100 commits to your Github repositories in the last year. And finally, it will display if you’re an Established or Trusted user on Stack Overflow.

  • List your current position and company, if you're currently employed.

  • Input 1-3 related desired job roles and correctly communicate your experience level.

  • We recommend you upload a professional photo of yourself, but that is not necessary.